Wednesday, May 15, 2013

IRS Hit Squads

Is it better if Obama ordered these IRS "hits", or is it better if it really was just a LOT of rogue agents? I mean on the one hand, it would be a horrible crime for one politician at the top of the chain to have ordered something this un-American. On the other hand it seems FAR FAR scarier to think that the average liberal on the street is so sick and twisted that many of them would decide do this sort of thing on their own. If it was O, it's a crime, the kind we expect from politicians. It's nothing new, it's just gross. If it was an organic thing coming from the general psyche of the left in general, then we are in serious trouble as system.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Voter Guide - Vote like me and feel much joy

Elections are like citizen competency tests in that on many issues there is only one right answer. You don't get to "feel" that 4+4 = 9 and make it true. Unfortunately in elections feelings play too big a part and simle logic plays too small a role. In the end, though just remember I'm a genius and if you vote the way I vote things will be OK.

The Really important races where you REALLY need to get it right are marked in GREEN.

I'm leaving out the boring stuff. Most of that is flip a coin stuff anyway.

State Mesures

Prop 13 - Simple safety issue fix to existing tax laws. Yes, this one is a no brainer for all sides so easy bonus points on your citizen cred.

Prop 14 - Mark No, and write in HELL NO (ok don't really or the pinheads won't count it). This sounds all warm and fuzzy on it's face. I mean it says it INCREASES the right to participate in elections. What it really does is ensure that in a Democrat heavy district only two dems will run in the general and in republican heavy districts, only republicans will run in the general. This is a way for the parties to counteact the coming redistricting changes that you voted in. They have been able to jury rig the state so that they keep most of the seats non-competeitive. This measure will essentially KILL all third parties and it will continue the stranglehold of the two very unhealthy California paties. Plus this is Maldonado's baby, so right there you have to vote no.

Prop 15 - NO This proposition will allow the insane legislature to use tax money to fund political campaigns. This is fundamentally wrong.

Prop 16 - Yes. Just look at your DWP bill increase and all the crazy that goes on there to see if you think it's a good idea to let government take over utilities - without so much as a "mother may I".

Prop 17 - NO. Mercury is spending a LOT of money to make you think this is going to save you money. They can give you a damn discount right now if they want to. What their ads forgot to mention was that while this does change some discount thing on REGULATED RATES, it MORE IMPORTANTLY also allows them to ADD MORE SURCHARGES to your bills which are UNREGULATED by the insurance comissioner. This is a classic bait and switch proposition and a classic case where it's going to pass because people don't take time to look closely.

Los Angeles Unifide Prop E - No - DUH! $100 bucks a year my ass. Cut your waste and asinine benefits first then come talk to me and maybe I'll have a different answer.

Republican Primary

Governor - Meg Whitman or Steve Poisner. There's two almost right answers on this one and no completely right answer, so go nuts. Whitman is probably the better choice, but both of these are RINO on a huge number of issues, so just know that in many ways, it doesn't matter. Meg has better ideas on how to run things on a practical level, but no matter what, the legislature will still be a buch of nitwits and fools, so in the end it's not going to matter. Meg may cave in on fewer things than Poisner since he has lots of friends to please if he wants to keep getting invited to all the cool Sacramento parties.

Lt Gov - Anyone that is NOT named Abel Maldonado. Maldonado is a lying thief. He signed an actual pledge not to ever vote to raise taxes then became the deciding vote that led to California passing the highest tax increase EVER by any state. He cost the average California family about $1000 a year! His payoff in the deal was being appointed Lt Governor so he would have a launching pad to run as the incumbent. This guy is a bad dude. He's looking to screw you the taxpayer and get rewarded with a responsibility free job with a nice fat salary and pension. Aanestad is the consenus pool choice, so go with him in order to pool votes to one non-Maldonado team.

Attorney General - John Eastman. Cooley has been kind of a mixed bag of annoying, Harman is another one of those do nothing Senate Republicans looking for a cush job to term limit out to, so I'll go with Eastman who comes highly recommended by the right people.

Insurance Commissioner - Brian Fitzgerald. Mike Villines is the leader of the Assembly. He is the guy that went behind closed doors and put together the tax bill that sold you out for billions a year. He also signed the no taxes pledge, and worse, before he sold you out, he went on the radio and repeatedly swore up and down he would not agree to any tax increases. He almost certainly brokered the Maldonado deal in the process. He should not be rewarded for being a liar and a thief.

US Senate - Chuck Devore. Devore is one of the few good guys in the assembly who has always stuck to principles. You can go with Fiorina or Campbell too, but Devore is the better conservative choice and I think the one most likely to be stubborn and hold the line in Washington against the insanity. Fiorina I don't know how much I trust her judgement. She ran HP at the time when I felt HP lost a lot of it's credibility and did a lot of really stupid things.

Democrat Primary

US Senate - Barbara Boxer is an embarassing ass. She has made our state look foolish with what comes out of her face for like 18 years and it's time to end it. So anyone but Boxer. If you could clone Fienstein and run her in both seats I'd be OK with that. I don't agree with Feinstein, but she at least generally comports herself in a way that reflects nicely on California. I believe the anti-Boxer consensus is Kaus, so go with that.

The rest of the dem primary is pretty uninteresting to me, so I'll leave it there.